
A doctor's office

A Doctor's office before the fire

A doctor's office

The Clinic before the fire

A doctor's office

The Waiting Room before the fire

The Village of Lytton, BC

Lytton, BC

The Village of Lytton is the center of our coverage area.

Spences Bridge

The Rivers

We cover a large area of the rural south west interior.

Lytton Medical Clinic

Serving Lytton, Westside, Spences Bridge, Boothroyd and the area.

Clinic days are  available on Tuesdays for the months of:

February, 2025:

4, 11, 18, 25

March, 2025:

4, 11, 18, 25.

Dr. Hoffe publicly exposed the harm done to the people of Lytton by the Covid vaccines .

He has therefore being brutally persecuted by the medical authorities who are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. Updates on his persecution, and fight for the restoration of medical ethics can be found at;    drhoffe.ca

Dr Hoffe is not taking any new patients from outside the greater Lytton area, (except under exceptional circumstances)

Text messages for Dr. Hoffe can sent to:


The new fax number for Lytton Medical Clinic is:


Please email Hoffe.Charles@gmail.com to book an appointment with Dr. Hoffe.

Voicemail can be left at (778) 538-2183. Please ensure you leave your full name and phone number in your message.

Please update your contacts to the above, Joan's email and phone will not be monitored for clinic use.